CA: 45.302



Size 1

Waist: 90 to 120 cm

Leggings: 50 to 70 cm

Weight: 2650 g


Size 2

Waist: 100 to 140 cm

Leggings: 50 to 80 cm

Weight: 2750 g

Color: Black

Tested and approved for users up to 140kgs

  • “H” type safety harness with five (05) anchorage points: one (01) dorsal point in “D” ring; one (01) chest point formed by two rings made of polyester strap, which must be used together through a carabiner, forming an “A” point; one (01) ventral point formed by two rings made of polyester straps, which must be used together through a carabiner, forming an “A” point; and two (02) large “D” rings (one on each side of the waist) for positioning work;

  • Fast Connect buckles for waist and leg circumference closing and adjustment;

  • “H” type safety harness with five (05) anchorage points: one (01) dorsal point in “D” ring; one (01) chest point formed by two rings made of straps, which must be used together (A/2); one (01) ventral point formed by two rings made of straps, which must be used together (A/2) and two (02) large “D” rings located at the waist (one on each side) for positioning work.

  • Two (02) points on the shoulders composed of two reinforced strap “handles” for suspension and confined space rescue work, which must be used with the Suspension Arch (USL400900000).

  • Automatic Lock buckles for waist and leg circumference closing and adjustment;