
USC006600001 – Size 1                 USC006600002 – Size 2

Waist: ≤115 cm                                       Waist: 95 to 135 cm

Legging: 55 to 65 cm                                     Legging: 60 to 75 cm

Weight: 1300 g                                             Weight: 1340 g

Color: Yellow                                             Color: Yellow

For Fall Restraint and Retention, focused on works involving high temperatures, due to the belt being made of flame-resistant materials.

  • Parachute-style Safety Belt with four (04) anchorage points: one (01) dorsal point in “D” ring; one (01) frontal point formed by two “loops” made from aramid webbing that should be used together (A/2) and two (02) “D” rings on the waist (one on each side).

  • Adjustment straps on waist and legs with Fast-Fit buckles; Optional: two (02) points on the shoulders composed of two “loops” of reinforced tape for quick link connections in suspension work (confined spaces), which should be used along with the Suspension Arc (USL400900000).

  • CA – 51.006 (MTE)